
How to fix [pii_email_e7ab94772079efbbcb25] error code in email?

Have you ever encountered the [pii email e7ab94772079efbbcb25] error code? Well, this error often appears in your outlook dashboard; it simply indicates that something is wrong with your email. Most of us have used email to pass information from one person to another. That is due to its higher-level defense. This guide will learn about [pii email e7ab94772079efbbcb25] error code and how to solve it. Without much ado, let’s get started.

What causes [pii_email_e7ab94772079efbbcb25] Error?

Mainly [pii email e7ab94772079efbbcb25] error occurs due to software installation failure. It also happens as a result of overview conflict with opposite programming that is installed in the system. When multiple accounts are in use, they can, at times, trigger the error. But, [pii email e7ab94772079efbbcb25] error can take the same risk with altered programming projects on the system.

Ways to Fix [pii_email_e7ab94772079efbbcb25] Error Code

Now that we are familiar with the [pii_email_e7ab94772079efbbcb25] email error, we are not in the dark anymore. However, the query remains, how do we solve that problem? Well, below are some of the ways you can use to fix the [pii_email_e7ab94772079efbbcb25] email error.

  1. Try to Clear Cookies and Cache

As we have seen, using multiple accounts is the leading cause of [pii_email_e7ab94772079efbbcb25] email error. When you have several running accounts in the same window, logging out of them causes this error. You can clear cookies and cache to clean your old records. It can also help you to erase all information stored in your database. Are you wondering how to go about it? Well, we got you covered. Follow the following steps to solve the error.

clear cache and cookies to fix [pii_email_e7ab94772079efbbcb25]

  • Start by closing the Microsoft Outlook
  • You can now restart the Outlook
  • Open a few startup windows, which in turn gives you access to all of them
  • Go ahead and upgrade everything to the advanced edition. Here, you can update to the newest edition called Office 365.
  • Finally, you will fix the [pii email e7ab94772079efbbcb25] error if you follow those steps keenly.
  1. Use one account to access Microsoft Outlook

Are you a victim of managing many accounts on your Microsoft Outlook? If yes, then your Outlook might face conflict in the SMPT server. If that happens, they may get the [pii email e7ab94772079efbbcb25] email error in your Outlook dashboard. That sounds scary. Despite how bitter it is, that is the naked truth. We should learn to use only one account to access our Microsoft Outlook. If you get the error after using several accounts, we got you sorted. Here are some of the steps to help you fix the  [pii email e7ab94772079efbbcb25] error code.

Use only one account in Outlook to fix [pii_email_e7ab94772079efbbcb25]

  • Log out from all the accounts you had used to access Outlook.
  • Then clear the programs running in the background.
  • You can try to log in to your account.
  • Once you finish, Microsoft Outlook will refresh itself.
  • You can now log in with a particular account you desire without causing any more error.
  • Finally, you are now error-free 
  1. Use Auto Repair tool

If the above two methods have not helped you yet, try this one out. You can use the auto repair tool.

Use auto repair tool to fix [pii_email_e7ab94772079efbbcb25]

  • Open the Outlook and Click on “File” and “Account Settings”
  • In the account settings, click on the email account in which you are facing issue and click on repair as shown in below image.
  • Continue by clicking Repair work.
  • Lastly, stick to the directions given on your screen. With that, the [pii_email_e7ab94772079efbbcb25] email error is no more.
  1. Check for Windows 10 Troubleshooting Center

Check windows troubleshooter to fix [pii_email_e7ab94772079efbbcb25]

If you have any issues with installed programs, you can opt to solve it in the Windows 10 Troubleshooting Center. For instance, when Microsoft Outlook fails to install correctly, it may create some issues. Consult with Windows 10 Troubleshooting Center and try to perform a diagnostic on the app. Ensure you follow the instructions to the latter. That will help you to solve the [pii_email_e7ab94772079efbbcb25] email error and finally go back to normal operations. 

  1. Uninstall & Reinstall Microsoft Outlook Program

The easiest method to completely get rid of the [pii_email_e7ab94772079efbbcb25] email error is by uninstalling Microsoft outlook. Such an easy way to deal with a complex problem. The reason for the failure may be due to a compatibility issue between the Versions of the windows.

Uninstall & Reinstall Microsoft Outlook Program

Don’t know how to uninstall? Here is a step by step process to uninstall the app.

  • Open the start menu by either pressing the start key on the screen or the Windows key on the keyboard.
  • From the list of options, look for the control panel. Launch the control panel.
  • Choose programs and features.
  • Please search for the office 365 application from the list of programs and launch them.
  • Windows will ask you if to confirm if you want to uninstall the program.
  • Accept, relax, and let the window take care of the uninstallation process.
  • Download and install the latest version of MS Outlook after it completes uninstalling the observation code.

Now that you have a new compatible version of Outlook, log into email account.

From here, you can continue using your outlook account error-free. It’s that simple, no sweat at all. Removing an application is a trusted method of dealing with almost any error that pops up in a program.


If you have been getting the [pii email e7ab94772079efbbcb25] error, worry no more. Use the above methods to solve the error in the Microsoft Outlook. You need to be careful in this era of free internet. That is because you install a pirated version causing the error

In case the problem persists, you can directly reach out to Outlook support for more assistance.

Written by Dinesh Kumar VM

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How to fix [pii_email_aef67573025b785e8ee2] Error Code in Outlook Email_

How to fix [pii_email_aef67573025b785e8ee2] Error Code in Outlook Email?