
Compact Fusion Reactor in USA

Compact Fusion Reactor in USA

What Is The Use Of Nuclear Fusion Energy

Scientists have a long-standing interest in creating a perfect source of energy. They are confident that this source, which will eventually replace hydrocarbons with their greenhouse gas emissions, will feed land, sea and air transport, and even spaceships to explore the far reaches of the universe. The use of nuclear fusion energy today seems to be the most promising step in this direction.

Fusion Reactor

As it became known, the US Navy engineers did not stand aside and patented a compact fusion reactor, the size of which is not comparable to the size of a small car.

How small can a fusion reactor be?

The idea of ​​using the nuclear fusion process as an energy source seemed utopian until recently. However, device was patented in March 2019 and was published at the turn of last month.

The generation of thermonuclear energy is possible if to use of unique devices capable of containing gases only, the temperature of which can reach hundreds of millions of degrees. Such indicators are necessary for collisions of atomic nuclei with each other with the subsequent formation of super heated plasma.

Compact Fusion Reactor in USA

The main difficulty in generating this type of energy is that the plasma produced cannot touch the walls of the reactor. To create the required conditions, it is necessary to use powerful magnetic fields that can isolate the formed substance. But even after solving this problem, the question arises about the storage location of the received energy, which also requires an in-depth study.

However, in case of all the tasks to be solved, the effect will be tremendous. In accordance with the London Science Museum, the energy generated by one kilogram of thermonuclear fuel is equivalent to the energy received from 10,000,000 kilograms of fossil fuel. As far as reported, some government agencies in China, Lockheed Martin company, along with other large enterprises and, of course, the US Navy, who tries to make a device whose dimensions will get it mobile.

Naval Aviation Center scientist Salvatore Cezar Pais is considered a pioneer in such kind of devices development. In accordance with the patent, plasma capsule of the Pais consists of several pairs of dynamic fuzors that vibrate quickly and rotate inside the capsule. This allows you to build up the flow of magnetic energy of high concentration, compressing gases. An electric charge covers fusors. They transfer fuel gases to the chamber, for further intensive heating of nuclear fusion.

Fusion Reactor in USA

This device is capable of generating none more so than terawatts of energy while consuming energy from kilowatts to megawatts. It is a unique feature about the device because never before has there been a source producing more energy than is consumed. However, as is the case of any other patent, it is not completely clear whether this technology will be implemented in practice.

According to information received from various research organizations, certain developments can be implemented as early as 2025. For example, the first launch of the First Light Fusion reactor is scheduled for the end of 2019.

About the author

Melisa Marzett has always been interested in writing and opened for something new. Technology is not an exception. With her curious mind, she looks and finds more and more information interesting for her and her audience. She is a traveler, a discoverer and an adventurer working for <a href=””></a> and looking for new opportunities.

Written by Christy Bella

Blogger by Passion | Contributor to many Business Blogs in the United Kingdom | Fascinated to Write Blogs in Business & Startup Niches |

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