
Basic Page Speed optimization

page speed optimization

What is Page Speed?

Page Speed is nothing but Site speed. Site loading time is said as Page Speed. If any one of the user is searching a website. If the page get slow the user will automatically close that website and move to another one. Therefore, in that situation the loading time is very important. If the loading time is slow, the rank will decreases and no more traffic is on our website. Therefore, we need to increase the page speed by optimization.

page speed loading

We may use to increase the page speed by installing plugins. Let’s discuss some of the plugins here. The very first plugin is Wp – Fastest cache, and the others are Wp3 total cache and Wp Super catch. These are the plugins, which is used to increase the page speed.

Wp – Fastest cache:

speed optimization

In the WordPress you have to choose plugins option and Search for Wp – Fastest cache plugin. Then click on the activate button and install it. Then move to the Wp – Fastest cache setting and choose the option which you want. There are many options are there. For making page speed optimization you have to select Enable option, and you have to select create he cache of all the site automatically, when you click on that you can see pop up notification. You have to select home page, post and pages. If you are running a big blog you have to publish lot of post, that post will also reflect to your website. When you publish the blogs in websites, the cache will clear all the thing. Clear cache files when a post or page is published, Clear cache files when a post or page is updated, You can decrease the size of page need to be as enable. Then you have to enable Monify HTML which is used for decrease the size of Page. Then you have to look at monify css whic can decrease the size of css files. And combine js is used to Reduce HTTP requests through combined js files. Then Gzip is used to Reduce the size of files sent from your server. Browsing cache is used to reduce page load times for repeat visitors. These are the option which are presented in the Wp – Fastest cache plugin. By selecting these enable the page will get speed. Finally select the submit option to submit the form.

basic speed optimization

In the WordPress, if you need to install the new plugin for Page Speed optimization you have to delete the old plugin and install the new plugin.

Wp3 total cache:

speed optimization plugin

Wp3 total cache, which is a type of plugin. It is used to increase the page speed of your website. In the same way you have to search and install this plugin. It is the quote and complex thing. You have to install and activate it. It will work very well with the SEO. You have to go general setting from the setting, you have to choose enable and Page cache method as Disk cache. You have to choose Page settings and purge cache option to save all the things which we chosen. By doing this kinds of action in the wordpress we can increase the Page Speed Optimization.

Wp Super catch:

It is also the type of plugin which is used to increase the page speed of the website. It is one of the easiest plugin to process. It generates hypertext mark-up language files that are served directly by Apache.

Written by Christy Bella

Blogger by Passion | Contributor to many Business Blogs in the United Kingdom | Fascinated to Write Blogs in Business & Startup Niches |

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